I've been making things since an early age, and as an engineer, I like to make things for fun. There's something of a trend happening nowadays with magazines like Make and web sites like Instructables, towards making stuff yourself. Then there are groups like Dorkbot (my local group is Dorkbot Bristol), where the theme is “people doing strange things with electricity”. I gave a talk at Dorkbot Bristol in October 2007, all about microcontrollers. The slides from the Dorkbot Bristol talk are here (in PDF format, 2Mbytes). The AVR assembler source code is here (in ASCII text format, 8kbytes).
This is a new page, and some of the projects, although working, are not written up and photographed yet. So, there are quite a few cases where there's just a name and no link. This will change as the writeups get done and the page gets updated. You may also find some project pages that are, as yet, incomplete.
I havn't made this into two separate sections because, for me, the computer is an electronic gadget and any split between “hardware” and “software” is counter-productive. I'd much rather see a closer integration of the two.
Still on the drawing board:
Having worked with both the
PIC and the
AVR, I much prefer the AVR
for its modern RISC design and 32 eight-bit registers.
Some of these projects have been done with an Atmel ATmega8 module
running at 16MHz, plugged into a solderless breadboard.
Other circuits are based on an ATmega8 board of my own design,
loosely based on an earlier version of the
Arduino design.
The latest work runs on the ATmega32 chip, again on a PCB of my own design.
Not yet designed, but parts acquired and plans afoot:
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