Computers I Have Built

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1979: Acorn System One

Acorn System One A 6502-based machine, built from a kit when I was electronics lab technician at school. Must have been about 1979, shortly after the school acquired a Commodore PET.

1980: Compukit UK101

Another 6502-based machine, built from a kit. Still working 41 years later. This machine is the basis of my own Compukit UK101 web site.

1984: Z80 Board

A college course project, based on the Z80 and built using wire-wrap. I never really got enthusiastic about it, largely because of the Z80 processor. All project work at the time was required to be based on the Z80, but I'm a Sixer, so I never liked it. It was supposed to be initially just a Z80 with some memory and a serial port, then you could add a matrix keyboard and a video circuit to make a terminal.

1992: 386SX-25 PC

Oh how dull, a 386 PC clone. I put a motherboard in a box; how can that count as building a computer? Anyway, it's junked now, having never run a single byte of true 32-bit code in its life. I still have the motherboard, in the loft, and an AT-style mini tower case that I painted black.

1994: Transputer Board

M212 board front M212 board rear I've always liked the M212, it's my favourite transputer. So, I used an M212 to build a QIC-02 tape drive interface. The M212 was a transputer with a built-in MFM disk drive controller. But it had a mode switch that could change the disk controller into simply a pair of parallel ports, right on the CPU chip. I used it in that parallel port mode with one port used as the QIC-02 data bus and the other for all the handshaking and control signals. I wrote an occam program to drive it all, which booted over a transputer link (from an Atari ST) and ran in the M212's internal 2k memory. That 2k included a 512-byte tape block buffer!

Looking at that chip and the tape drive interface design today, the M212 looks rather like a microcontroller. At least, it could be used in a microcontroller mode (it has features such as an external data and address bus, which make it unlike a microcontroller). If I were to design a QIC-02 interface today, I'd probably use a microcontroller like the Atmel AVR ATmega8 or Atmega32.

1997: Transputer Serial Interface

T225 Serial TRAM For Submetrix, I put together a design for a T225-based four-port serial TRAM. We used them for a while in the sonar systems as interfaces to the GPS navigation receiver and the motion reference unit. I chose a Philips four-channel UART chip connected to the T225's external bus, along with some SRAM. The driver software booted the transputer via a link, and then sent the serial data in and out via the same link.

2002: PIC-based Prototype

For Mobile Bristol, I worked on some prototype PIC 16F876 designs. They were built as plug-together wearable computers as part of the research project. The master PIC was connected to the host (an HP iPaq) via a serial port, and slave CPUs were attached to it via an I2C bus. Having done that, I've decided that the PIC must be an “Eight” processor, because I didn't like it.

2005: Atmel AVR Prototypes

In my new job, I was asked to build a small embedded system around a microcontroller chip. After using the PIC previously, I decided to use an Atmel AVR chip this time. The little circuit went together pretty well, and connected up nicely to a PC's serial port. I have loaded it with code written in assembler as well as code compiled from C (with the WinAVR package, a version of GCC). I also built an AVR-based kit from EDTP which combined an ATmega16 microcontroller with an ethernet chip.

2005: Atmel AVR Robot Controller

ATmega8 with LED display Just for fun, I bought a ready-made Atmel AVR board that was designed for use as a robot controller. It has an ATmega8 chip, plus a clock crystal, reset button and programming connector. So far, it's just been plugged into a solderless breadboard, but I've managed to get it doing some whacky things (entirely in assembler). I've connected an HP four-digit alphanumeric display (HPDL-1414), a Super Nintendo joypad, a radio-control servo, a DC motor and an LCD module. I think the next things to add will be an analog voltage-divider for push-button control and an MMC interface. Well, after all that, I think the AVR chip is definitely a "Six".

2006: Atmel AVR Prototyping Board

ATmega8 on perfboard ATmega8 with LEDs Another fun project, again using an Atmel AVR microcontroller chip. This board is loosely based on the Arduino. I've arranged the board so that I can plug in small daughterboards with LEDs, switches, motor drivers, and so on. The connectors also supply power (12, 5, 3.3 and -12 volts). Future plans are for a dual DAC board and an LCD board.
Photos on Flickr

2008: Atmel AVR Printed Circuit Board

ATmega8 on PCB ATmega8 on PCB close-up I read about the Toner Transfer PCB technique, and I wanted to have a go. I have plenty of copper-clad board from way back in the 1970s, I have ferric chloride etchant, and I have a laser printer. All I needed was a design, and the Atmel AVR seemed like a good chip to base it on. Then, I spotted the Evil Mad Scientist Labs business card PCB and I realised that this was what I wanted to build. But the original card was not designed for toner transfer, and I could see some ways to improve the design, so I made a version of my own, and that's what you see in the photos here.
Photos on Flickr

2008: Another Atmel AVR Prototyping Board

ATmega32 PCB empty ATmega32 PCB populated When I got the parts for the ATmega8 boards, I also got an ATmega32, which is a rather more powerful AVR chip. It has four 8-bit I/O ports, and it's in a 40-pin DIL package. I went ahead and built another prototyping board for the ATmega32, again using a toner transfer PCB. This board is still in use, but fitted with an Atmel ATmega1284P chip. I use it to run the ATmega1284P code in my avrTest repository.
Photos on Flickr

2008: Atmel AVR Persistence-Of-Vision Board

ATmega8 POV PCB Not satisfied with just one more toner transfer PCB, I made two. The second board is for a persistence-of-vision (POV) wand, basically just 16 green LEDs that are controlled by the ATmega8. To use fewer I/O pins on the ATmega8, I used a pair of 74LS595 shift register chips to actually drive the LEDs. I also used surface-mount (SMT) resistors to make the PCB smaller, although the chips are still in DIL form. There's also a low-dropout 5V regulator on the board, based on the LM2941CT chip. But having read a bit more about the AVR chips, and the 74HC595, I think it should be possible to eliminate the 5V regulator and run the circuit directly off two 1.5V AA batteries. Maybe I'll try that one day, but I'd need to change all those 220Ω SMT resistors...
Photos on Flickr

2010: AVR ATmega-based Time-Lapse Camera Controller

While working at Lobster Pictures, I designed and built a time-lapse camera controller around first the ATmega328, and later the ATmega1284. It used a GSM module to send and receive SMS text messages.

2011: LPC2119 Module

Another ready-made module, but this time with a Philips/NXP ARM microcontroller: the LPC2119. Mounted on a modified solderless breadboard, programmed via the built-in bootloader and a serial cable. I connected it up to an ILI9341 colour LCD.
Photos on Flickr

2012: TI MSP430 Module

The very inexpensive LaunchPad evaluation module from Texas Instruments. I connected the MSP430G2231 to an LCD from a Nokia 1202 mobile phone. The resolution is 96x68, which is a little better than the usual 84x48 of a 3110 LCD.
Photos on Flickr

2017: The RC2014 Mini, a Z80-based Retrocomputer

Back to a microprocessor-based machine this time, built from a kit as I did with the UK101, we have the RC2014. I bought just the PCB for this one, having all the other parts in stock already. I wrote a diagnostic and monitor program for it in Z80 assember, in my GitHub repo RC2014tester.
Photos on Flickr

2019: Atmel ATtiny1616 Breakout Board

Having used the Atmel/Microchip ATtiny1616 in a robot leg project at at work, I quite liked the chip, which is part of the new One-Series. I bought some chips, with the intention to design a PCB for them. Meanwhile, I have soldered the ATtiny1616 to a DIL break-out board and programmed it as part of avrTest repo on GitHub.
No photos of this one yet.

2021: Atmel ATmega4809 Breakout Board

Amidst all the gloom and doom about chip shortages and supply-chain woes, I bought a few Atmel AVR microcontrollers to add to my avrTest repo on GitHub. This one is the ATmega4809, which is in a QFP-48 (0.5mm pitch) surface mount package. It's a Zero-Series ATmega microcontroller with four serial UARTs.
Photo on Flickr

2021: Atmel SAMD21 Curiosity Nano

An evaluation module with built-in programmer from Atmel/Microchip. I've been coding on it using the Microchip MPLAB X IDE and the XC32 compiler. The source code is on GitHub in my SAMD21blinky repo.
Photo on Flickr

2021: Atmel SAMD21E18A Breakout Board

Not satisfied with simply using a ready-made Curiosity Nano, and frustrated by the chip supply-chain troubles, I found a SAMD21E18A in TQFP-32 and soldered it to another inexpensive break-out PCB. I don't have it running any firmware yet, though.
Photo on Flickr

The Ones That Got Away

I've always wanted to design and build a 6809-based machine. I now have a fair number of 6809 chips (2MHz bus versions from Motorola and ST Microelectronics) as well as some rare Hitachi HD6309 chips and the required RAM, EPROM and I/O chips. Maybe this one'll get built after all...

I bought a 68020 development kit way back in 1986 with the intention of building a machine around that chip. Of course, I never did, mainly due to lack of spare time now that I have a career in the computer industry. I still have the chip, though, and modern CAD might just make a 68020 design feasible.

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